Real Estate Services

We can proudly say that we revolutionize every sector we dive in, by applying latest innovations and critical thinking to set our prices according to the work involved, in benefit of our beloved members.

There is an entire world to discover, infinite homes and business to build, plenty of energy to invest and save...

Have a look over our primary services and schedule a meeting to get your tailored one

Schedule a meeting

Choose Your Membership Plan

Sign up for the plan that fits your needs perfectly.

Free $9/month* $29/month* $49/month*
Guaranteed privacy
Earn rewards
Financial consultation 1 1/month Unlimited Unlimited
Personalized search 1 1/month Unlimited Unlimited
Private Holiday Rental 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Fees free acquisitions 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Real Estate Marketing At fix rates 5% discount 10% discount

*Billed annually.

Choose your plan

Real Estate by rate!

Welcome to our evolution on what Real Estate should be and its results. We value our work honestly and price it accordingly by rates, resulting in a fix and usually higher return for the owner.

Nevertheless if you are thinking on something away from the standards or you require a closer look to any, please consider to schedule a meeting with us.



*All included from $590.

*Apartments up to 60 sm2.


*Fixed price of $5000, all included

*Properties valued at less than €200,000

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*All included from $990.

*Homes between 60 m2 and 140 m2.


*Fixed price of $10.000, all included.

*Properties valued between €200,000 and €500.000.

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*All included from $1.900.

*Luxury and commercial premises.


*Fixed price of $25.000, all included.

*Luxury and commercial premises.

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Our Real Estate Rates include

Market Analisys

Prior to marketing we will always share with the member our market resarch value.

Photo Essay

Professional photography, Home stagging, drone video or other features that our expert on the field may suggest.


Private sharing between our members in order to find the quialified buyer at high speed.

Private publishing

In case we didn´t find your perfect match through our members, we may public your property in the platforms through our global network, always with your consent.

We have a winner

As soon as any interested pass our screening, we will send you a complete profile without the personal data.


We provide you with all the needed contracts filled by our team or we can revise yours through our local law firms.





Our differences

Our new holiday rental platform offers total privacy to owners and guests, with maximum guarantees and transparency thanks to the smart contracts in the blockchain and our priviledge agreements with major insurance companies.

Anonymous properties

We act as a filter in order to keep your privacy and your properties´ from any third person, goverment or corporation.

Private earnings

You will have the option of receiving the earnings of your properties in any crypto asset of your choice to keep it completely private, or via bank transfer from us as a membership collaboration.

Safety first

On the insurance area we got you cover with a top market $5.000.000 insurance per stay, thank to our AI powered personal details screenings.


As usual in Dharma Brokers we keep the prices as low as possible for our members. The basic management will take just a 6% from the guest payment.

Ready to get started ?

Call us at +34 634 391 749

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